• Title: Advance your Polymer GPC Characterisation by Combining Multi-Detection to High Resolution Separation 
  • Presenter: Stefan Cairns Stefan.Cairns@malvern.com Product Technical Specialist at Malvern Panalytical
  • Presentation summary: In this presentation we will discuss Waters’ breakthrough technology the ACQUITY Advanced Polymer Chromatography (APC™), that provides SEC analyses of polymeric materials with higher resolution and higher speed than conventional SEC. The APC system has focused on conventional calibration, meaning it can only generate relative molecular weight information. However, the Malvern Panalytical OMNISEC REVEAL, containing refractive index (RI), UV-Vis photodiode array (UV), light scattering (LS), and differential viscometry detectors can give far more comprehensive details of the sample being studied. Here we present the combination of the Waters APC for high-resolution analysis, reduced run times, reduced solvent consumption and lower sample loading, with the OMNISEC REVEAL to give absolute molecular weight independent of the standard’s chemistry and retention volume, compositional analysis of copolymers and, the intrinsic viscosity which when combined with molecular weight gives the Mark-Houwink plot and the ability to compare samples’ structure.
  • Presentation date/time:  Thursday 16DEC21, 10.50-11.10 Greek time

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