OneLab | design & execute

Introductory Episode: What is a ‘Connected Lab’ and what’s in it for me?

Thursday, May 4
17:00 Greek time




Working in a lab defining the future of science isn’t easy. We're with you — and we want to help. If you have a challenge you’ve recently encountered in your lab or have a nagging problem you keep trying to solve but just can’t seem to find the right tools for and want some solutions, this LIVE Deminar series is for you! The “Using the Connected Lab to Overcome Your Challenges” Deminar series approaches overcoming common lab challenges by providing you with a few keys to success, but with a twist...! We will be receiving YOUR real-life lab challenges and overcoming them LIVE over the course of each episode!

Submit your challenges to us directly via or when signing up for the various episodes

This LIVE series will be kicked off with an introductory episode looking at the benefits of lab connectivity for overcoming lab challenges through the lens of the OneLab software. Don't miss this episode as it will set the scene for the role connected software can play in overcoming your lab challenges while giving you a chance to submit your own challenge for us to address directly. With each new episode, we will be overcoming as many challenges as we can through live demonstrations and conversations within the framework of pre-determined topics.

Here's a glimpse at the other episodes of this series:

Episode 1:
Laboratory Automation "Go?" or "No Go?"

Episode 2:
Pipetting and Sample Preparation — the starting point for reliable results

Episode 3:
Variable sample numbers & method parameters — key aspects of lab flexibility and efficiency

Episode 4:
Compliance, Traceability & Data Integrity — the staples of compliant labs

Presented by:

Jasper Eaton
Senior Product Marketing Manager — Automation Solutions,
Waters Corporation

Marketing Department


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