
Challenges of Extractables and Leachables Analysis

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A Robust and Reliable MS Platform to Meet the Challenges of Extractables and Leachables Analysis

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Hear from Dr Andrew Feilden, Bicycle Therapeutics, on the application needs of Extractables and Leachables (E&L) analysis and learn how the latest Xevo G3 QTof Mass Spectrometer has been developed to ideally meet these requirements.

The presentation covers a brief introduction to extractables and leachables and then covers the guidance's and regulations that could be applied to biopharmaceuticals. It will close with some of the practicalities and issues in achieving successful studies.

In addition, you have the opportunity to see the Xevo G3 QTof system in operation and hear an overview of the instrument from the product management team.

Key learning objectives:

  • The analytical needs in conducting Extractables and Leachables (E&L) analysis
  • Critical aspects for MS system consideration for E&L
  • Capabilities of the new Xevo G3 QTof
  • How to achieve trace level identification and quantification in E&L

Presented by:

Dr. Andrew Feilden
Director Analytical Sciences
Bicycle Therapeutics

Dr Andrew Feilden


Dr. Jayne Kirk
Product Marketing Manager
Waters Corporation

Dr. Jayne Kirk smiling

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