
WATERS: See how to take your sample analysis to new levels

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Routine LC-MS Mass Detection made Easy

March 28
9:00 a.m. (EST) 
2:00 p.m. (GMT)


Join us as we connect the dots of your analytical workflow by introducing a simple, powerful, and fast way to delve deeper into your sample. This webinar will explain how to go beyond what’s possible with standard LC separations and traditional LC-UV detection workflows by adding mass detection capabilities to your routine sample analysis.

Why Attend?

Learn how to:

  • Utilize the power of Mass Detection to advance analytical chemistry workflows with rich mass information out of the same sample
  • See what lies under every peak, reduce the risk of unidentified components for a more rugged and robust method
  • Adopt a simplified LC-MS approach without an in-depth knowledge of Mass Spectrometry
  • Increase efficiency and throughput with industry standard intuitive software
  • Learn the theory of LC with optical detection and benefits of adding LC with mass detection

Presented by:

Professor Graham John Langley
Director of SCAS and Head of the Mass Spectrometry Facility
University of Southampton

Professor John Langley is an internationally recognised leader in chromatography - mass spectrometry (MS) with >35 years’ experience and has led and managed the MS/chromatography-MS facility at Southampton Chemistry since 1988. John has >120 publications and has delivered innovative approaches to MS and chromatography-MS, e.g. the first academic open access MS instrumentation in 1995, open access LC-MS, GC-MS and then SFC-MS in 2014.

Cristian Cojocariu
Program Lead - Mass Detection
Waters Corporation

Vicky Starkie
Principal Product Manager - Routine Mass Detection
Waters Corporation




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