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Purification & Automation Meeting

Date(s): April 26, 2023 - April 27, 2023
Time: 11-17:30h / 9-16h
Location: Berlin
Language: English


This in-person meeting is designed for purification users, lab managers, analytical scientists, and chemists who use or supervise preparative HPLC, preparative SFC and automated purification workflows, and who want to improve their laboratory’s purification management processes.

This event acts as a valuable platform for users to share their knowledge and experiences to facilitate their daily purification activities.

The program for the meeting will consist of a combination of key presentations by LC and SFC Purification users, information on new products and services from Waters and invited partners from Virscidian and Labomatics, as well as open discussion sessions.


By attending this meeting, you will:

  • Learn how to enhance your purification capabilities and increase your lab’s productivity
  • Discover new automation capabilities and how they can improve your purification & sample preparation workflows
  • Benefit from the expertise of Waters technical and application specialists, and their partners Virscidian and Labomatics
  • Network with colleagues, share experiences and pick up helpful tips from other purification users





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