
WATERS: [Webinar] Change the Game — Pesticides Analysis with APGC Food and Environmental Samples

Closeup of a scientist working with an APGC system

Don't Forget to Register for Our Webinar:

Change the Game Part II:

Pesticides Analysis with Atmospheric Pressure GC (APGC)

Wednesday, November 29
15.00 Greek time



Learn how APGC, a unique coupling of GC and MS/MS, under atmospheric pressure, will change the game in your laboratory.

In this webinar you can learn:

§  How to reach proposed EU framework directive EQS' for various pesticides including pyrethroids in environmental samples

§  How APGC could improve the efficiency of your laboratory

§  About the reduced MS source maintenance required when changing to APGC

Christian Goetz and Andreas Wyss from the Office for Waste, Water, Energy and Air, in Zurich (Switzerland), will share their experience, with APGC, from a user perspective.

With increasing helium costs and supply limitations, laboratories are actively looking for alternative carrier gases. In this webinar you can also learn the benefits of using nitrogen as a carrier gas.

This webinar is part of the Blue Thursdays webinar series by Waters and part of the Change the Games with APGC episodes.

View all available on-demand episodes of 2023 →

View all available on-demand episodes of 2022 →

We are looking forward seeing you there.


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